
Senator James Lankford

Edmond, OK

James Lankford is a strong conservative and servant leader who is committed to God, Family and the Constitution. Elected to the United States Senate in 2014. James has worked diligently for all Oklahomans, studying each issue and its direct impact on the family and people. He has earned the respect of his colleagues on both sides of the aisle for his knowledge on the pressing issues facing the country.

While remaining passionate about life and traditional family values, James has become a strong voice for fiscal discipline and accountability in the federal government. He has emerged as a leader in fighting government regulations that are suffocating business and weakening the economy. James currently serves on the Committee on Finance, Committee on Appropriations, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs where he is the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management and the Indian Affairs Committee. In addition, James chairs the Select Committee on Ethics and serves on the Senate Republican Whip Team.

Prior to the Senate, James served in the US House of Representatives from 2011 - 2014 where he served on House Committees: Budget, Transportation, and Oversight and Government Reform, where he was the Chairman of the Oversight Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Health Care & Entitlements. James was elected by his peers to serve as the Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee for the 113th Congress working behind the scenes to push the Republican Conference toward conservative solutions for the issues facing our nation. Before Congress James served the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma as Director of Falls Creek Youth Camp from 1996 to 2009.

James has been married to Cindy for over 20 years. Cindy Lankford is a private Speech-Language Pathologist. Together, they have two wonderful daughters: Hannah and Jordan. Senator Lankford is up for reelection in 2022.

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Protecting Farms and Ranches.

A nation that cannot provide its own food and its own fuel will always be at risk. While energy continues to develop, our farms and ranches remain the most productive and innovative in the world. The modern farm is integrated and directly affected by global trade agreements and commodity price swings. There is no substitute for the hard work and moral tenacity of America’s farmers. That tenacity has been shown further by farmers and ranchers who continue to work tirelessly during the COVID-19 health emergency to ensure our nation has a steady supply of goods.

It is essential to help negotiate trade agreements with markets around the world while protecting our farms and ranches from tariffs. As a member of the Senate Committee on Finance, James supported President Trump’s historic US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and worked to ensure parity in the agreement for Oklahoma’s farmers and ranchers. Federal burdens like fuel tank storage restrictions, the endangered species act, grain storage inspections on family farms, interstate farm truck rules, dust particulate regulations and youth labor restrictions show an arrogance of power from Washington D.C. Federal officials who spend their life on concrete should not dictate to families who live their lives providing for others on the land.

"When one pipeline went down, the east coast saw how important pipelines are. Instead of learning & investing in pipeline redundancy, Biden decided to give in to the environmental left, cancel American pipelines, American jobs & drive up the cost of oil for hardworking Americans."

Lankford on Gun Rights.

“…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Before we were even a nation, Americans owned and carried guns. It is not only a distinct part of our history, it is also a Constitutional right. There is no threat from law abiding citizens who own guns for hunting, sport shooting, protection or just collecting.

The rights of citizens to buy, sell and trade their guns is no different than their right to buy sell and trade any other legal possession. Those who would work to take away that right must hear loud and clear that “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Senator Lankford will continue to fight to uphold the United States Constitution and our Second Amendment rights.