Republicans Fight
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The Precinct Committee shall consist of a Precinct Chairman and a Precinct Vice Chairman, a Precinct Secretary, and a Precinct Treasurer, who may be the same person, and who shall have equal right to vote at Precinct Meetings.
The Precinct Committee is the supreme Republican Party authority of each precinct, subject to the Oklahoma Republican Party rules, and the direction and
control of official precinct meetings. The Precinct Committee of each precinct is charged with the duty of promoting the welfare and directing the affairs
of the Republican Party in its precinct. The Precinct Chairman shall be the executive officer of the precinct delegates to any county convention.
The Precinct Chairman is not disqualified to be elected or appointed as a delegate pursuant to the Oklahoma Republican Party rules. Only the Precinct Committee
has the authority to remove any duly elected qualified delegate to the county convention.
The Precinct Committee shall meet at any time upon the call of the Precinct Chairman, or if said officer is not available, fails, or refuses to issue such call, any two members of the Precinct Committee may call such a meeting. Such call shall be made by written or electronic notice to all members of the Precinct Committee not less than five (5) days prior to the meeting. In like manner, a general precinct meeting may at any time be called of the qualified registered Republican voters in the precinct. The Precinct Chairman, or in the chairman’s absence, the Vice Chairman, or in the absence of both, any person who is a registered Republican selected by a majority of those in attendance, shall preside at the meeting.
If any Precinct Chairman shall die, move from the precinct, resign, or fail to function as determined by the County Executive Committee, or otherwise become disqualified, the Vice Chairman shall become Chairman until a Precinct Committee meeting can be held to elect a new Chairman. If the Vice Chairman, Secretary, or Treasurer shall die, move from the precinct, resign, or otherwise become disqualified, such vacancy shall be filled by election at any regular or special meeting, properly called, of the registered Republican voters in the precinct. However, if the precinct shall fail to fill such vacancy within thirty (30) days of the vacancy occurring, or if the precinct has failed to initially elect such officers, then the County Chairman and Vice Chairman shall jointly fill such vacancy by appointment. If they cannot agree upon any such appointment, then the County Central Committee will appoint. If the members of the County Central Committee cannot agree then the vacancy will be brought before the County Executive Committee. Such appointment shall be subject to the approval of the County Executive Committee. Any person appointed to fill such vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term, unless replaced as set forth in the Oklahoma Republican Party rules.
JCGOP Precinct Committee meetings are generally conducted in the following manner:
JCGOP 2022
~ Ronald W. Reagan ~
~ Abraham Lincoln ~
~ Gerald R. Ford ~
The County Committee consists of County Chairman and Vice Chairman, two State Committeemen, two Congressional Disctrict Committeemen, and all Precinct Chairmen and Vice Chairmen.
The Congressional District Committee consistes of the County Chairman and Vice Chairman, and the two Congressional District Committeemen.
The County Central Committee consistes of the County Chairman and Vice Chairman, and the two State Committeemen.
The County Executive Committee consists of the County Chairman and Vice Chairman, two State Committeemen, and two Congressional Disctrict Committeemen.
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Sharksucker sea toad candiru rocket danio tilefish stingray deepwater stingray Sacramento splittail canthigaster
Sharksucker sea toad candiru rocket danio tilefish stingray deepwater stingray Sacramento splittail canthigaster
Sharksucker sea toad candiru rocket danio tilefish stingray deepwater stingray Sacramento splittail canthigaster